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The fundraising team raises money for areas of greatest need or appeals to raise money for specific items or projects that align with UCLH’s priorities.
There are also specialist funds that actively raise money to support specific areas and services at UCLH. Click on each fund below for more information about what the funds do, together with links to their websites.
The Cancer Fund supports services for people being treated for cancer at UCLH, and the staff who look after them.
Visit the UCLH Cancer Fund website.
For over 30 years, Haematology Cancer Care has helped the haematology unit at UCLH to deliver transformational treatment and personalised care, supporting patients with haematological disorders and cancers.
Visit the Haematology Cancer Care website.
Breathing Matters aims to improve the lives of every pulmonary fibrosis, bronchiectasis and respiratory/lung infection sufferer through ground-breaking medical research, carried out at UCLH and UCL Respiratory, one of the world’s leading research centres for respiratory diseases.
Visit the Breathing Matters website.
The vision of the Campaign is to raise funds to support the work of the Medical Research Council (MRC) Prion Unit at University College London (UCL) to develop a treatment or cure for CJD, and to raise awareness and understanding of this disease.
Visit the Cure CJD website.
Supporting the babies, families and staff of the neonatal unit at UCLH.
Visit the Early Lives website.