Enhancing hospital spaces and facilities
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Coming to hospital can be a worrying time for patients and their families and carers. We know that the little things can make a big difference. We fund a wide range of projects which help to make a hospital stay or visit that bit better.
We're funding extended hours for the play and youth service team at UCLH, giving patients more access to therapeutic play.
Play helps to alleviate some of the stress and anxiety young patients experience when they have hospital treatment.
We're enormously proud to provide support for the fantastic volunteering service at UCLH who do so much to support patients and their families and carers, and staff.
Find out more by visiting the UCLH website at www.uclh.nhs.uk
We're very proud to support the trailblazing Patient and Family Team which provides individualised, holistic care to meet the complex needs of patients admitted to critical care, and their families and carers.